Solar radiation effects at any site depend strongly on the presence of direct sunshine and on solar elevation. The daily sum of direct irradiance S' on horizontal surface is a more appropriate measure of sunshine energy than the daily sunshine duration Sundur. The latter, however, is more frequently recorded. A long-term data set of both quantities at a typical Estonian rural site, at the Tartu-Tõravere Meteorological Station (58°16'N, 26°28'E, 70 m a.s.l.) is examined on the monthly level. The used daily values are expressed as the ratios relative to normal cloudless conditions S '/S 'clear and Sundur/Sundurclear as well as their ratio R = (S '/S 'clear)/(Sundur/Sundurclear). The study was performed on the level of monthly totals and also of daily values meeting the condition Sundur/Sundurclear > 0.1 integrated within each month. The minimum values of R, 0.80 for monthly totals and 0.75 for the amount of selected days, were found in July and August due to frequent convective clouds around noon. In March to September the estimated monthly relative direct irradiances using Sundur/Sundurclear and R agreed with the measured ones within ± 10% in more than 70% of cases and within ± 15% in about 90% of cases.
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