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akadeemia kirjastus
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Botanical nature writing: an ecocritical analysis; pp. 9–19
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2012.1.03

Kadri Tüür, Triin Reitalu

We present an ecocritical analysis of Haide-Ene Rebassoo’s book of nature writing Botaanilisi kilde 17 Hiiumaa suvest [Botanical Fragments from 17 Summers in Hiiumaa]. The dynamic tripartite model of nature writing is applied on the source material for advancing ecocritical theory, as well as for demonstrating the relevance of ecocriticism in the study of previously under-conceptualized texts often considered popular science. On the basis of the analysis, it is concluded that our source text features scientific, belletristic, and pragmatic dimensions of nature writing, with the main emphasis on botanical scientific knowledge.


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