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akadeemia kirjastus
Estonian Journal of Ecology
Small mammals and their parasites (ixodid ticks) in urban forests and parks of St. Petersburg; pp. 232–239
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2009.3.08

Kirill Tretyakov

The biodiversity and abundances of small mammals and ticks inhabiting parks and forests of St. Petersburg were examined. No more than six species of small mammals were observed in each biotope. In localities with a low anthropogenic pressure, Myodes glareolus was dominant whereas in the territories with a serious anthropogenic load Sorex araneus or Apodemus agrarius dominated. Four tick species were collected from captured hosts: Ixodes persulcatus and I. ricinus represented by immatures and I. apronophorus and I. trianguliceps represented by immatures and adults.


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