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Estonian Journal of Ecology
Dynamics of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) numbers in Lake Peipsi over a decade; pp. 111–118
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2008.2.03

Teet Krause, Anu Palm
Between 1996 and 2006, fyke-netted spawning Osmerus eperlanus of L. Peipsi were examined for length, weight, sex, proportions of year classes, and the duration of the spawning period. In Septembers over the same period, the stocks of smelt and age-0+ pikeperch were estimated by bottom-trawling the off-shore areas of the lake. In July 2005, both smelt and age-0+ pikeperch Sander lucioperca were examined for length, age-0+ pikeperch also for food items. The numbers of age-0+ smelt were determined most significantly by the weather conditions immediately after spawning and depressed by large numbers of age-0+ pikeperch, whereas the yield, duration of spawning, and strong/weak year classes among spawners turned out to be irrelevant.

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