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Estonian Journal of Ecology
People and plants: introducing environmental humanities of plants in the Baltics and beyond; pp. 4–8
PDF | doi: 10.3176/eco.2012.1.02

Sabine Brauckmann, Dolly Jørgensen

Braun, H. 2005. Von der Technik- zur Umweltgeschichte. In Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Arbeitsgebiete-Probleme-Perspektiven (Schulz, G. et al., eds), pp. 375–401. VSWG (Beiheft 169), Wiesbaden.

Buell, L. 2005. The Future of Environmental Criticism: Environmental Crisis and Literary Imagination. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.

Glotfelty, C. 1996. Introduction: Literary studies in an age of environmental crisis. In Glotfelty, C. and Fromm, H. The Ecocriticism Reader: Landmarks in Literary Ecology. University of Georgia Press, Athens (Georgia).

McNeill, J. 2003. Observations on the nature and culture of environmental history. History and Theory, 42, 5–43.

Pauly, P. J. 2007. Fruits and Plants. The Horticultural Transformation of America. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

Winiwarter, V. & Knoll, M. 2007. Umweltgeschichte. UTB 2521. Böhlau, Köln, Weimar, Wien.

Suggested Further Reading

Krech, S., McNeill, J. R. & Merchant, C. (eds). 2004. Encyclopedia of World Environmental History. Routledge, New York. [Environmental history written along national borders]

Lübken, U. 2010. Undiszipliniert: Ein Forschungsbericht zur Umweltgeschichte. In H-Soz-u-Kult, 14.07.2010 ( [Analysis of climate history, natural catastrophes, and mobility of plants and animals]

Masius, P. et al. (eds). 2009. Umweltgeschichte und Umweltzukunft: Zur gesellschaftlichen Relevanz einer jungen Disziplin. Universitätsverlag, Göttingen. [Interdisciplinarity of environmental history; Case studies of climatology, bioinvasion, toxic substances; Teaching of environ­mental history]

Mauch, C. & Pfister, C. (eds). 2009. Natural Disasters, Cultural Responses. Case Studies Towards a Global Environmental History. Lexington Books, Rowham. [Environmental case studies in Europe, Americas and Asia from the 16th century to the present]

Oreskes, N. & Conway, E. M. 2010. Merchants of Doubt. How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truths on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming. Bloomsbury Press, New York. [Controversies on climate change; Failure of scientists; Issue of policy and truth]

Pfister, C. & Brimblecome, P. 1990. The Silent Countdown: Essays in European Environmental History. Springer Verlag, Berlin. [General introduction to environmental history; a land­mark publication]

Radkau, J. 2008. Nature and Power: A Global History of the Environment. Publications of the German Historical Institute Series. Cambridge University Press, New York. [Eurocentric history of the environment; Globalization as historical rupture]

Schwarz, A. & Jax, K. (eds). 2011. Ecology Revisited. Reflecting on Concepts, Advancing Science. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg. [Ecological theory and environmental sciences; Science & technology studies]

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