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SINCE 1952
Earth Science cover
Estonian Journal of Earth Sciences
ISSN 1736-7557 (Electronic)
ISSN 1736-4728 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 1.1
Reconstruction of palaeovegetation and sedimentation conditions in the area of ancient Lake Burtnieks, northern Latvia; pp. 164–179
PDF | doi: 10.3176/earth.2010.2.06

Ilze Ozola, Aija Ceriņa, Laimdota Kalniņa

Palaeobotanical investigations were carried out with the aim of reconstructing the development of palaeovegetation and formation of sediments in the northeastern area of ancient Lake Burtnieks. Pollen and plant macroremain studies provide information on vegetation development in the surroundings of the lake, including Stone Age settlements of Braukšas I and Braukšas II. Results of the investigations indicate that the development of vegetation together with sedimentation conditions in the palaeolake have changed since the Younger Dryas until today. Vegetation composition varies in different parts of the ancient Lake Burtnieks area due to past changes in lake water level which reached different sites at different times. Data from the northern part of ancient Lake Burtnieks indicate its gradual overgrowing since the Preboreal. Deposition of minerogenic lacustrine sediments (silt, clayey silt and sand) lasted until the Boreal or the Atlantic time, depending on the water depth of the lake locality. Clastic sediments were overlain by gyttja, which in turn was later covered by well-decomposed fen (sedge, sedge–grass) peat that started to form at the end of Atlantic time.

     Pollen and plant macroremain composition of lacustrine sediments and fen peat sequences suggests that people have inhabited the area since Preboreal–Boreal times. However, weak traces of possible presence of people are found already at the very end of the Younger Dryas.Fluctuating curves of broadleaved tree pollen, a significant amount of pollen of cultivated plants and charcoal dust in sediments indicate activities of an early man and refer to start of crop growing in the area in the second half of the Atlantic chronozone.

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