eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
List of published books

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Publications of 2019

Jüri Kann (Compiler).
Eesti suveräänsusdeklaratsiooni 30. aastapäeva konverents Tallinnas 16. novembril 2018. Tervitused ja ettekanded.
Международная конференция по случаю 30-й годовщины принятия декларации о суверенитете Эстонии. Таллинн, 16 ноября 2018 года. Материалы конференции (Conference on the 30th Anniversary of the Declaration of Estonian Sovereignty, Tallinn, November 16, 2018: Greetings and Presentations).
In Estonian and Russian.
Format 168×240, 128 pp., Hardback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-434-5
Tallinn 2019

Publications of 2017

Anne Valmas (Compiler). Eesti retrospektiivne rahvusbibliograafia. Estonian Retrospective National Bibliography. Estnische retrospective Nationalbibliographie. Eesti raamat välismaal 1944–2010 (1). Estonian Books Abroad 1944–2010 (1). Das Estnische Buch im Ausland 1944–2010 (1).
In Estonian, English and German
Format 168×240 585 pp. Hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-429-1
ISBN 978-9985-50-430-7 Volume I.
Tallinn 2017

Anne Valmas (Compiler). Eesti retrospektiivne rahvusbibliograafia. Estonian Retrospective National Bibliography. Estnische retrospective Nationalbibliographie. Eesti raamat välismaal 1944–2010 (2). Estonian Books Abroad 1944–2010 (2). Das Estnische Buch im Ausland 1944–2010 (2).
In Estonian, English and German
Format 168×240 650 pp. Hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-429-1
ISBN 978-9985-50-431-4 Volume 2.
Tallinn 2017 

Anne Valmas. Varjust valgusesse: Erihoiust väliseesti kirjanduse keskuseks (1974-2017). From the shadow to the light: Journey from Restiricted Access Department to Expatriate Estonian Literature Centre 1974- 2017.
In Estonian.
Format 168×240, 48 pp. Paperback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-432-1
Tallinn 2017

Publications of 2015

Anne Valmas (Editor-in-Chief). Elu raamatute keskel. Endel Annus 100. A Life Among Books: Endel Annus 100
In Estonian
Format 168×240, 160 pp., hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-428-4
Tallinn 2015

Anne Valmas. Varjust valgusesse: Erihoiust väliseesti kirjanduse keskuseks (1974-2017). From the shadow to the light: Journey from Restiricted Access Department to Expatriate Estonian Literature Centre 1974- 2017.
In Estonian.
Format 168×240, 48 pp. Paperback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-432-1
Tallinn 2017

Publications of 2014

Karin Mark. Soome-ugri rahvaste füüsiline antropoloogia. Physical anthropology of Finno-Ugric Peoples. Based on manuscript. Compiled, enlarged and edited by Leiu Heapost.
In Estonian, summaries in English and Russian.
Format 168×240, 542 pp., hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-427-7
Tallinn 2014

Martin Klöker. Tallinna kirjanduselu 17. sajandi esimesel poolel (1600–1657). Haridusinstitutsioonid ja juhuluuletamine. Martin Klöker. Literarisches Leben in Reval in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts (1600–1657). Institutionen der Gelehrsamkeit und Dichten bei Gelegenheit. Teil I. Darstellung. (Frühe Neuzeit, 112). Tübingen: Max Niemeyer Verlag, 2005. Translated from the German by Viiding, Kristi.
Format 168×240, 680 pp., hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-424-6
Tallinn 2014

Udo Margna. Fütoteraapia, ravimine taimedega, taimede kasutamine seedetrakti haiguste raviks. Phytotheraphy, treatment with medicinal plants, use of herbs in the treatment of the gestive tract
In Estonian
Format 168×240, 152 pp., paperback
ISBN 978-9985-50-426-0
Tallinn 2014

Ojaveer, Evald. Läänemeri. Ökosüsteemid ja elusvarad nende hindamine ning haldamine. The Baltic Sea. Ecosystems and biota: assessment and management
In Estonian
Format 168×240, 392 pp., hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-425-3
Tallinn 2014

Publications of 2013

Anne Valmas. Hellar Grabbi bibliography
Format 143×215, 130 pp., paperback
ISBN 978-9985-50-423-9
Tallinn 2013 

H. Kink, A Miidel (Compilers). Loodusmälestised23. osa. Harjumaa. Põhja – Kõrvemaa. Kuusalu, Anija, Aegviidu. Natural Heritage of Estonia. Part 23. Harjumaa. Põhja – Kõrvemaa. Kuusalu, Anija, Aegviidu
In Estonian.
Format 143×215, 24 pp. + 8 pp. Col. ill., paperback.
ISSN 1406-3026
ISBN 978-9985-50-422-2
Tallinn, 2013

Publications of 2012

Evald Ojaveer. Eestimereteaduse ajalugu. History of marine science in Estonia.
In Estonian.
Format 168×240, 174 pp., hardback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-418-5
Tallinn 2012

Valter Lang. Estonian Journal of Archaeology Supplementary Series / Volume 1. Keava – `Hand of the Sun`. (Estonian Journal of Archaeology Supplementary Series; 1).
In English.
Format 168×240, 240 pp., paperback.
ISSN 1406-2933 (print)
ISSN 1736-7484 (electronic)
ISBN 978-9985-50-418-5
Tallinn 2012

Raukas, Anto, Kukk, Kalev, Vaasma, Tiit. On the occasion of the 32nd International Geographical Congress Cologne 26-30 August 2012. Estonia Geographical Studies 11.
In English.
Format 143×215, 168 pp., paperback.
ISSN 1406-6092
ISBN 978-9985-50-419-2
Tallinn 2012

Publications of 2011

Udo Margna. Sissejuhatus fütoteraapiasse. An introduction to phytotherapy.
Format 143×215, 88 pp., paperback
ISBN 978-9985-50-415-4
Tallinn 2011

Hilja Alak. Leonid Ingar – mees selja ja rusikaga. LEONID INGAR – a man with guts and fists of stone
Format 168×240, 64 pp., hardback
ISBN 978-9985-50-414-7
Tallinn 2011

Vahur Mägi, Anne Valmas. Eesti teadlased ja insenerid välismaal. Estonian researchers and engineers abroad.
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 143×215, 296 pp., hardback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-416-1
Tallinn 2011

H. Kink (Compiler) Loodusmälestised. 22. osa. Harjumaa – Raplamaa. Kohila karstivaldkond, Kose, Kohila. Natural Heritage of Estonia. Part 22. Harjumaa – Raplamaa. Kohila karst area, Kose, Kohila.
In Estonian..
Format 143×215, 32 pp. + 8 pp., Col. ill., paperback.
ISSN 1406-3026
ISBN 978-9985-50-417-8
Tallinn, 2011

Publications of 2010

Aleksander Elango, Endel Laul, Allan Liim, Väino Sirk.
Editors: Endel Laul, Veronika Varik. Eesti kooli ajalugu 1860. aastaist 1917. aastani. 2. köide. History of the Estonian school from the 1860s to 1917. Vol. 2.
In Estonian.
Format 168×240, 766 pp. Hardback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-412-3
Tallinn 2010.

Tiit Ulas.
Eraomandisse tagasi 1991-2009. Erastamise ikka veel lõppemata lugu – eritlusi, meenutusi, hinnanguid. Reminiscences about the still unfinished reprivatisation in Estonia 1991-2009
In Estonian.
Format 168×240, 168 pp. + 4 pp. Col. il., hardback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-409-3
Tallinn 2010.

Anto Raukas.
Väljavõtted käidud teest.
 Anto Raukas.Glimpses into my life.
In Estonian and English.
Format 140×215, 372 pp. + 8 pp. Col. il., hardback.
ISBN 978-9985-50-408-6
Tallinn 2010.

Publications of 2008

A. Kogerman (Compiler)
Professor Aleksander Meos. Eestlane Peterburis. Professor Aleksander Meos: an Estonian in St Petersburg
In Estonian.
Format 143×215, 80 pp., paperback.
ISBN: 978-9985-50-400-0
Tallinn, 2008.

Publications of 2006

J. Keevallik, R. Loodus, L. Viiroja
Tekste kunstist ja arhitektuurist III. Kunstikirjutus Eestis 1900-1918. Texts about Fine Arts and Architecture 3. Writing on Art in Estonia 1900-1918 (Monograph).
In Estonian and German.
Format 190 x 270, 360 pp., hardback with a jacket
ISSN 1406-5878
ISBN 9985-50-388-0
Tallinn, 2006.

Publications of 2005

L. Kaber, H. Pitsner.
Narva elekter Lääne-Eestisse. Electricity from Narva to Western Estonia. ( Memoirs).
In Estonian. Summarys in English and Russian.
Format 143×215, 88 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50- 369-4
Tallinn, 2005.

Publications of 2004

J. Keevallik, R. Loodus, L. Viiroja
Tekstid kunstist ja arhitektuurist II. Kunstikirjutus Eestis 1864-1900. Texts about Fine Arts and Architecture 2. Writing on Art in Estonia 1864-1900 (Monograph).
In Estonian and German.
Format 190 x 270, 432 pp., hardback with a jacket
ISBN 9985-50-343-0
Tallinn, 2004.

Publications of 2003

Compilers: K. Kodres, P. Lindpere, E. Näripea.
The Problem of Classical Ideal in the Art and Architecture of Countries around the Baltic Sea. Estonian Academy of Arts Proceedings No 13. (Collected papers).
In English.
Format 168×240, 272 pp., hardback with a jacket.
ISSN 1406-2895
ISBN 9985-50-353-8
Tallinn, 2003.

Heldor Pitsner.
Elekter Läänemaal. Electricity in Läänemaa. (Monograph).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 143×215, 104 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-352-X
Tallinn, 2003.

Publications of 2002

R. Loodus, J. Keevallik, P. Ehasalu.
Eesti kunsti ajaraamat 1523-1944. History of Estonian Fine Arts 1523-1944 (Monograph).
In Estonian.
Format 168×240, 288 pp., hardback with a jacket.
ISBN 9985-50-317-1
Tallinn, 2002.

J. Tomberg
Inseneri elutöö Eesti põlevkivitööstuses. An engineer`s lifework in the Estonian oil shale industry (Memoirs).
In Estonian.
Format 143×210, 160 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-340-6
Tallinn, 2002.

Publications of 2001

L. Assmuth, A. Kelam (Compilers)
The Baltic Sea Islands of Estonia: A Pheriphery in Transition (Monograph).
In English.
Format 143 x 215, 144 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-324-4
Tallinn, 2001.

E. Kuhi.
Mälestusi 2. Memoirs 2.
In Estonian.
Format 143 x 210, 120 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-326-0
Tallinn, 2001.

K. Eskusson.
Autoklaavitud gaassilikaat. Gas Silicate (Monograph).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Russian.
Format 168 x 240, 168 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-321-X
Tallinn, 2001.

T. Möls (Chairman), A. Kalda, L. Kongo, A. Milius (Editorial board)
Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat 80. köide. Year – book of the Estonian Naturalists Society, vol. 80.
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 143 x 210, 336 pp., hardback
ISSN 0135-24310135-2431
Tallinn, 2001.

Publications of 2000

J.- M. Punning (Compiler)
Anto Raukas. Tõid ja tegemisi. Anto Raukas. Publications and Activities.
In Estonian and English.
Format 143 x 215, 272 pp. hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-281-7
Tallinn, 2000.

Publications of 1999

L. Merikalju (Editor)
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat
, 32. Köide. Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society, vol. 32 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 146 x 215, 288 pp., hardback.
ISSN 0202-1811
ISBN 9985-50-270-1
Tallinn, 1999.

P. Järvelaid, M. Pihlamägi
80 aastat Eesti Vabariigi Justiitsministeeriumi 1918 – 1998. Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Estonia, 1918-1998 (Monograph).
In Estonian. Summary in English and German.
Format 143 x 215, 144 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-233-7
Tallinn, 1999.

Ü. Lepik, J. Engelbrecht.
Kaoseraamat. A Book of Chaos (Monograph).
In Estonian.
Format 168 x 240, 304 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-235-3
Tallinn, 1999.

R. Loodus
Kunstielu Eestis aastail 1918–1944. Fine Arts in Estonia 1918–1944 (Monograph).
In Estonian. Extended summary in German.
Format 150 x 210, 176 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-234-5
Tallinn, 1999.

E. Kuhi
Mälestused 1. Memoirs 1(Monograph).
In Estonian.
Format 143 x 210, 88 pp., paperback.
ISSN 9985-50-269-8
Tallinn, 1999.

Publications of 1998, 1997, ..

H. Kink, E. Andresmaa, M. Orru (Compilers).
Eesti soode hüdrogeoökoloogia. Hydrogeoecology of Estonian Mires (Monograph).
In Estonian. Summaries in Estonian.
Format 143 x 215, 128 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-222-1
Tallinn, 1998.

L. Merikalju (Editor)
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat, 31. köide. Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society, vol. 31 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English, German.
Format 146 x 215, 256 pp., hardback.
ISSN 0202-1811
ISBN 9985-50-206-X
Tallinn, 1998.

T. Möls (Chairman), A. Kalda, L. Kongo, A. Milius (Editorial board)
Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat, 78. köide. Year-book of the Estonian Naturalists’ Society, vol. 78 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 146 x 215, 280 pp., hardback.
ISSN 0135-2431
ISBN 9985-50-200-0
Tallinn, 1998.

H. Kink (Compiler)
Pakri saared. Loodus ja inimtegevus. The Pakri Islands – Nature and Human Activity. (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summary in English.
Format 170 x 240, 88 pp. text + 16 pp. col. ill., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-210-8
Tallinn, 1998.

T. Meikar (Editor)
Metsateaduse ajaloost. Sari Teaduse ajaloo lehekülgi Eestist XII. History of Forestry. Series Pages of the History of Science of Estonia XII (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English, German.
Format 145 x 200, 280 pp, paperback.
ISSN 1406-2879
ISBN 9985-50-191-8
Tallinn, 1998.

L. Assmuth, A. Kelam (Editors)
Saarte elu murdlainetes. Saaremaa ja väikesaared üleminekuühiskonnas. Post-socialism and everyday life on the Estonian islands (Monograph).
In Estonian.
Format 143 x 215, 168 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-229-9
Tallinn, 1998.

L. Merikalju (Editor)
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamat, 30. köide. Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society, vol. 30 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Russian.
Format 146 x 220, 229 pp., hardback.
ISSN 0202-1811
ISBN 9985-50-150-0
Tallinn, 1997.

Rukkilill, nr. 5. Eesti harrastusbotaanikute teataja. Cornflower, No. 5. Newsletter of Estonian Amateur Botanists (Collected papers).
In Estonian.
Format 143 x 200, 112 pp., paperback.
ISSN 1406-2437
ISBN 9985-50-173-X
Tallinn, 1997.

H. Palli
Eesti rahvastiku ajalugu 1712- 799. Series Academia, No. 7. Population History of Estonia 1712 – 1799 (Monograph).
In Estonian. Summary in English.
Format 168 x 260, 151 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-169-1
Tallinn, 1997.

A. Miljutin
Ecomorphology of the Baltic Rodents. Series Folia theriologica Estonica, No. 3 (Monograph).
In English.
Format 168 x 240, 112 pp., paperback.
ISSN 1406-2550
ISBN 9985-50-178-0
Tallinn, 1997.

A. Raukas, A. Teedumäe (Compilers)
Geology and Mineral Resources of Estonia (Monograph).
In English.
Format 210 x 297, 436 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-185-3
Tallinn, 1997.

T.Möls (Chairman), A.Kalda, L.Kongo A.Milius (Editorial board)
Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi aastaraamat, 77. köide. Year-book of the Estonian Naturalists’ Society, vol. 77 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 146 x 220, 271 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-130-6
Tallinn, 1996.

E. Mark-Kurik (Editor)
Fossil Fishes as Living Animals. Series Academia, No. 1 (Collected papers).
In English.
Format 168 x 260, 299 pp., paperback.
ISBN 5-7976-0409-4
Tallinn, 1992.

M. Ilmjärv
Nõukogude Liidu ja Saksamaa vahel. Balti riigid ja Soome 1934-1940. Between the Soviet Union and Germany. The Baltic States and Finland 1934-1940. Series Academia, No. 3 (Monograph).
In Estonian. Summary in English.
Format 168 x 260, 173 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-015-6
Tallinn, 1993.

V. Nestor
Early Silurian Chitinozoans of Estonia and North Latvia. Series Academia, No. 4 (Monograph).
In English.
Format 168 x 260, 195 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-064-4
Tallinn, 1994.

E. Ojaveer (Editor)
Ecosystem of the Gulf of Riga between 1920 and 1990. Series Academia, No. 5 (Collected papers).
In English.
Format 168 x 260, 277 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-065-2
Tallinn, 1995.

T. Timm (Editor)
Eesti sisevete elustikust. Eesti Looduseuurijate Seltsi aastaraamatu 75. köide. Biota of Estonian Inland Waters. Year-book of the Estonian Naturalists’ Society, vol.75. (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 143 x 215, 216 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-025-3
Tallinn, 1994.

M. Mardiste (Editor)
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamatu 26. köide. Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society, vol. 26. (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Russian.
Format 143 x 215, 193 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-027-X
Tallinn, 1994.

L. Merikalju (Editor)
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamatu 28 köide. Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society, vol. 28 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Russian.
Format 143 x 215, 252 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-024-5
Tallinn, 1994.

L. Merikalju (Editor)
Eesti Geograafia Seltsi aastaraamatu 29. köide. Year-book of the Estonian Geographical Society, vol. 29 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Russian.
Format 143 x 215, 260 pp., hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-062-8
Tallinn, 1995.

V. Maasing (Editor)
Botaanika ajaloost EestisTeaduse ajaloo lehekülgi Eestist X. Series Pages of the History of Science in Estonia X. The History of Botany in Estonia (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English, German and Russian.
Format 143 x 200, 108 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-050-4
Tallinn, 1994.

V. Kaavere, L. Kongo, E. Tammiksaar (Compilers)
Geograafia ajaloost EestisTeaduse ajaloo lehekülgi Eestist XI. Series Pages of the History of Science in Estonia. The History of Geography in Estonia (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Germany.
Format 143 x 200, 240 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-103-9
Tallinn, 1995.

H. Jänes (Editor)
Tööstustsivilisatsioon ja inimese tervis. Industrial Civilization and Human Health (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and Russian.
Format 130 x 205, 124 pp., paperback.
Tallinn, 1992.

I. Märtson.
Standardimine ja sertifitseerimine. Standardization and Certification.
Estonian-English-Russian-German Dictionary
Format 140 x 195, 60 pp., paperback.
Tallinn, 1992.

H. Paves (Editor)
Krahv Friedrich Berg ja mets. Count Friedrich Berg and the Forest (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English and German.
Format 143 x 200, 112 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-078-9
Tallinn, 1995.

H. Eelsalu, H. Tooming (Editors
Meteorology in Estonia in Johannes Letzmann’s Times and Today. (Collected papers).
In English.
Format 143 x 200, 192 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-111-X
Tallinn, 1995.

E. Schmidt
Optical Illusions. The Life Story of Bernhard Schmidt, the Great Stellar Optician of the Twentieth Century (Monograph).
In English.
Format 143 x 215, 260 pp. text + 48 pp. illustration, hardback.
ISBN 9985-50-102-0
Tallinn, 1995.

K. Hallas
Aadlipalee Toompeal. Palace of a Nobleman on the Toompea.
In Estonian, English and German.
Format 200 x 280, 32 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-043-1
Tallinn, 1994.

H. Kink (Compilr), A.Miidel (Editor)
Pakri poolsaar – loodus ja inimtegevus. The Pakri Peninsula – Nature and Human Activity. (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summary in English.
Format 170 x 240, 94 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-128-4
Tallinn, 1996.

R. Pedmanson (Editor)
Lepidopteroloogiline informatsioon nr.10, mai 1996. Lepidopterological Information No. 10, May, 1996 (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 145 x 200, 59 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-141-1
Tartu – Tallinn, 1996.

K.Peterson (Compiler)
Eesti kaitsealad. Geoloogia ja vesi. Estonian Nature Protection Areas. Geology and Water (Collected papers).
In Estonian. Summaries in English.
Format 201 x 287, 164 pp., paperback.
ISBN 9985-50-093-8
Tallinn, 1996.