eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
Acta cover
Acta Historica Tallinnensia
ISSN 1736-7476 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-2925 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3
PDF | doi: 10.3176/hist.2010.1.08

Epp Lauk, Tiiu KREEGIPUU
This paper focuses on the journalistic strategies and practices that Estonian journalists and editors used for expressing both their dissent with the restrictions of the freedom of the press and opposition to the Soviet regime. As no underground dissident press existed in Estonia in the Soviet period (1940–1941 and 1944–1991), journalists developed various ways of ‘silent resistance’ within the official press. Our aim is to demonstrate and analyse journalistic practices – both discursive and editorial – that undermined the ideological purposes of Soviet journalism. At the discursive level, journalists often tried to diminish the official ideological discourse by enlarging the proportion of the apolitical journalistic discourse in the newspapers. Journalists also skilfully used various linguistic means to bypass the ‘party line’. On the editorial level, editors often passed, at their own risk, content that was not politically and ideologically ‘correct’. Censors often complained to Party headquarters about the editors who ‘tried to avoid the responsibility of editing’ and were ‘incompetent in applying the regulations and rules’.

1. Lendvai, P. The Bureaucracy of Truth. How Communist Governments Manage the News. Burnett Books, London; Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1981, 17.

2. Kenez, P. TheBirth of the Propaganda State: Soviet Methods of Mass Mobilization 1917–1929. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985, 222–223.

3. Lauk, E. The antithesis of the Anglo-American news paradigm. News practices in Soviet journalism. – In: Diffusion of the News Paradigm 1850–2000. Eds S. Høyer, H. Pöttker. Nordicom, Göteborg, 2005, 169–184.

4. Vihalemm, P., Lauristin, M. Political control and ideological canonisation. The Estonian press during the Soviet period. – In: Vom Instrument der Partei zur “Vierten Gewalt”. Die ostmittel­europäische Presse als zeithistorische Quelle. Tagungen zur ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 4. Ed. E. Mühle. Verlag Herder-Institut, Marburg, 1997, 103–109.

5. Lendvai, P. The Bureaucracy of Truth. How Communist Governments Manage the News, 21.

6. All translations from Estonian and Russian into English in this document are the responsibility of the authors, Epp Lauk and Tiiu Kreegipuu.

7. Vihalemm, P., Kõuts, R. Trükisõna ja lugejaskond Eestis 1965–2004 [The press and its readership in Estonia in 1965–2004]. – In: Meediasüsteem ja meediakasutus Eestis 1965–2004 [Media system and media consumption in Estonia in 1965–2004]. Ed. P. Vihalemm. Tartu University Press, Tartu, 2004, 66–67 [in Estonian].

8. Vihalemm, P., Lauristin, M. Political control and ideological canonisation. The Estonian press during the Soviet period, 106–107.

9. Cf. Wolfe, T. C. Governing Soviet Journalism. The Press and the Socialist Person after Stalin. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indianapolis, 2005; Lauk, E. Restoring democratic discourse in the Estonian press (1987–1990). – In: The Challenge of the Baltic Sea Region. Culture, Ecosystems, Democracy. Eds G. Bolin, M. Hammer, F. Kirsch, W. Szrubka. Södertörn University College, Stockholm, 2005, 307–322; Harro, H. Changing Journalistic Conventions in the Press. Empirical Studies on Daily Newspapers under Different Political Conditions in 20th Century Estonia. University of Oslo Press, Oslo, 2000; Jakubowicz, K. Media as agents of change. – In: Glasnost and After. Media and Change in Central and Eastern Europe. Eds D. L. Paletz, K. Jakubowicz, P. Novosel. Hampton Press, Inc., Cresskill, New Jersey, 1995, 19–48.

10. Wolfe, T. C. Governing Soviet Journalism. The Press and the Socialist Person after Stalin, 31.

11. Uus, S. Leheneegri leivas [Being a journalist]. – In: Kuidas vaatad, nõnda näed. Eesti aja­kirjanike elulood, III [What you see depends on what you look at. Biographies of Estonian journalists, III]. Eds A. Pallas, S. Uus. Tartu University Press, Tartu, 2009, 231 [in Estonian].

12. Lauk, E. Estonian journalists in search of new professional identity. – Javnost/The Public, 1996, 3, 4, 96–106.

13. E.g., Lauristin, M., Vihalemm, P. Recent historical developments in Estonia: three stages of transition (1987–1997). – In: Return to the Western World: Cultural and Political Perspectives on the Estonian Post-Communist Transition. Eds M. Lauristin et al. Tartu University Press, Tartu, 1997, 73–126; Lauk, E. Practice of Soviet censorship in the press. The case of Estonia. – Nordicom Information, 1999, 21, 3, 27–39; Harro, H. Changing Journalistic Conventions in the Press; Pärl-Lõhmus, M. Journalistic editing in a closed society. – In: Journalism at the Crossroads. Perspectives on Research. Eds J. Koivisto, E. Lauk. Tartu University Press, Tartu, 1997, 108–120.

14. Documents of the Estonian Communist Party in the branch office of the Estonian State Archives (Eesti Riigiarhiivi Filiaal (ERAF)): files of the Central Committee of the Estonian Communist Party F1; files of the ECP’s Tartu City Committee F 148; files of the Estonian censorship authority (GLAVLIT) in the Estonian State Archives (Eesti Riigiarhiiv (ERA)) R-17.

15. See more, for example, in Clark, K., Dobrenko, E. Soviet Culture and Power. A History in Documents, 1917–1953. Yale University Press, New Haven, 2007.

16. EK(b)P KK büroo 18., 25. ja 28. septembri 1946. a koosoleku protokoll nr 189 [Minutes of the Bureau of the ECP CC no 189 18, 25 and 28 September 1946]. ERAF 2-4-328 [in Estonian].

17. Rahva Hääle toimetuse EK(b)P algorganisatsiooni 19. oktoobri 1946. a koosoleku protokoll nr 10 [Minutes of the party organisation of the newspaper Rahva Hääl no 10 19 October 1946]. ERAF 132-2-3, 27–28 [in Estonian].

18. Veskimägi, K.-O. Kuidas valitseti Eesti NSV-d. Eestimaa Kommunistliku Partei Keskkomitee büroo 162 etteastumist 1944–1956 vahemängude ja sissejuhatustega [How Estonian SSR was governed. 162 performances of the ECP CC in 1944–1956 with interludes and introductions]. Varrak, Tallinn, 2005, 175–178 [in Estonian].

19. Uus, S. Nõukogude ajakirjanduse teooria ja praktika probleeme [Issues of theory and practice of the Soviet journalism]. – In: Õppevahend ajakirjanike kvalifikatsiooni tõstmise kursustele [Textbook for the qualification raising courses for journalists]. Ed. J. Peegel. Tartu Riikliku Ülikooli eesti keele kateeder, Perioodika, Tartu, 1970, 24–85 [in Estonian].

20. McNair, B. Glasnost, Perestroika, and the Soviet Media. Routledge, London, 1991, 42.

21. Some small-scale organized dissent did, however, exist but it remained marginal as these people did not have any influence in the cultural sphere.

22. Høyer, S., Lauk, E., Vihalemm, P. (eds). Towards a Civic Society. The Baltic Media’s Long Road to Freedom. Perspectives on History, Ethnicity and Journalism. Baltic Association for Media Research/Nota Baltica Ltd., Tartu, 1993, 204.

23. Kapustin, M. Proshloe i budushchee sotsializma [The past and future of Socialism]. Novosti, Moskva, 1990, 448 [in Russian].

24. Chilton, C., Schäffner, C. Discourse and politics. – In: Discourse as Social Interaction. Discourse Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction. Ed. T. van Dijk. – SAGE, 1998, 2, 206–230; Dijk, T. v.Opinions and ideologies in the press. – In: Approaches to Media Discourse. Eds A. Bell, P. Garrett. Blackwell Publishers Ltd., Oxford, 1998, 21–63.

25. Harro, H. Changing Journalistic Conventions in the Press, 206.

26. Thom, F. Newspeak. The Language of Soviet Communism. The Claridge Press, London, 1989.

27. Høyer, S., Lauk, E., Vihalemm, P. (eds). Towards a Civic Society, 26–28.

28. Ruutsoo, R. Estonia. – In: Dissent and Opposition in Communist Eastern Europe. Eds D. Pollack, J. Wielgohs. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Hampshire, 2004, 126.

29. Lauk, E. Practice of Soviet censorship in the press, 27–39.

30. Harro, H. Changing Journalistic Conventions in the Press, 13, 199.

31. Ibid., 207–208.

32. Uus, S. Leheneegri leivas, 227, 234.

33. Puudujääkidest ajalehe Edasi toimetuse töös ja ideoloogilistest vigadest ajalehes [About the shortcomings in the work of the editorial staff of Edasi and the ideological errors in the news­paper]. – In: EKP KK büroo 16. aprilli 1968. a koosoleku protokoll nr 73 [Minutes of the Bureau of the ECP CC no 73 16 April 1968]. ERAF 1-4-3648, 78–79 [in Estonian].

34. Ibid.

35. Tõsistest puudustest mõningate perioodiliste väljaannete toimetamisel [On the serious short­comings in the editing of some periodicals]. – In: EKP KK büroo 30. septembri 1969. a koos­oleku protokoll nr 123 [Minutes of the ECP CC Bureau no 123, 30 Sept. 1969]. ERAF 1-4-3806, 11 [in Estonian].

36. ENSV GLAVLIT-i ülema Arnold Adamsi 1971. a 2. juuni salajane kiri EKP KK sekretärile Vaino Väljasele nr 107c [Secret letter of the Head of the GLAVLIT of ESSR Arnold Adams to the Secretary of the ECP CC Vaino Väljas no 107c 2 June 1971]. ERA R-17-3-78, 22–26 [in Estonian].

37. ENSV GLAVLIT-i ülema Arnold Adamsi salajane kiri EKP KK sekretärile Vaino Väljasele [Secret letter of the Head of the GLAVLIT of ESSR Arnold Adams to the Secretary of the ECP CC Vaino Väljas]. ERA R-17-3-90, 4 [in Estonian].

38. Fairclough, N. Discourse and Social Change. Polity Press, Cambridge, 1992; Fairclough, N. Discourse and text: linguistic and intertextual analysis within discourse analysis. – Discourse and Society, 1992, 3, 2, 193–217; Fairclough, N. Media Discourse. Edward Arnold, London, 1995.

39. Harro, H. Changing Journalistic Conventions in the Press, 209.

40. Ibid., 206–207.

41. Ajaloo allikaõpetuse teemadel [On the issues of teaching history sources]. – Edasi, 25.12.1968 [in Estonian].

42. Alongside with the official history concept another, unofficial version existed that contradicted the official one. American researcher James Wertsch has studied Estonians’ understanding and interpretations of both versions in his book: Mind as Action. Oxford University Press, New York, 1998.

43. Sirp ja Vasar, 5.1.1979.

44. Sirp ja Vasar, 27.4.1979.

45. Pietiläinen, J. From participatin to informing. The transition of journalism in the Russian regional press. – In: Diffusion of the News Paradigm 1850–2000. Eds S. Hoyer, H. Pöttker. Nordicom, Gothenburg, 2005, 200.

46. . See more Høyer, S., Lauk, E., Vihalemm, P. (eds). Towards a Civic Society, 204.

47 Harro, H. Changing Journalistic Conventions in the Press, 206.

48. Susiluoto, I. Deritualization of political language: the case of the Soviet Union. – In: Texts, Contexts, Concepts. Studies on Politics and Power in Language. Eds S. Hänninen, K. Palonen. The Finnish Political Science Association, Helsinki, 69–80.

49. Lauk, E. Restoring democratic discourse in the Estonian press (1987–1990), 313–314.

50. Rummo, P. Trükisõna ja utiil [Printed papers and waste paper]. – Sirp ja Vasar, 26.1.1968 [in Estonian].

51. Lauk, E. Practice of Soviet censorship in the press. The case of Estonia, 36.

52. ENSV GLAVLIT-i juhtkonna laiendatud nõupidamine 29.1.1968 [Meeting of the leadership of the Estonian GLAVLIT on 29 January 1968]. ERA R-17-3-67, 11 [in Estonian].

53. Savinitch, L. Pragmatic goals and communication strategies in journalistic discourse under censorship. – In: Power without Domination: Dialogism and the Empowering Property of Communication. Ed. E. Grillo. John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 2005, 109.

54. Siig, A. Lasteaiatädi [The kindergarten teacher]. – Sirp ja Vasar, 10.3.1967 [in Estonian].

55. Stenogramm EKP KK büroo koosoleku protokolli nr 31 juurde 21.3.1967 [Shorthand record of the minutes of the meeting of the ECP CC Bureau no 31, on 21 March 1967]. ERAF 1-4-3569, 102–103 [in Estonian].

56. EKP KK büroo 21. märtsi 1967. a koosoleku protokoll nr 31 [Minutes of the meeting of the ECP CC Bureau no. 31 on 21 March 1967]. ERAF 1-4-3501, 50–51 [in Estonian].

57. ENSV GLAVLIT-i ülema käskkiri nr 2-ak 1981. aasta kolme kvartali töötulemustest [Decree no 2-ak of the Head of GLAVLIT on the result of the first three quarters of 1981]. ERA R-17-2-148, 11–13 [in Estonian].

58. Høyer, S., Lauk, E., Vihalemm, P. (eds). Towards a Civic Society, 204.

59. Havi, T. Omadussõnade konverents [The conference of adjectives]. – Sirp ja Vasar, 18.6.1965 [in Estonian].

60. Poots, L. Kuidas ma ajakirjanikuks sain, ajakirjanik olin ja ajakirjanduse maha jätsin [How I became journalist, was journalist and left journalism]. – In: Meie jäljed jäävad. Eesti ajakirjanike elulood, I [Our footprints will remain. Biographies of the Estonian journalists, I]. Eds A. Pallas, S. Uus. Tartu University Press, Tartu, 2004, 105 [in Estonian].

61. Veskimägi, K.-O. Nõukogude unelaadne elu. Tsensuur Eesti NSV-s ja tema peremehed [The Soviet drem-like life. Censorship in the ESSR and its masters]. Tallinna Raamatutrükikoda, Tallinn, 1996, 63 [in Estonian].

62. Kuusberg, P. Teist korda abielus “Loominguga” [Married with “Looming” for the second time]. – Looming, 1993, 4, 547 [in Estonian].

63. Lillemäe, V. Adraseadjana kolmel ajakirjanduspõllul. Meenutusi [Ploughman in three fields of journalism. Memoires]. Maalehe Raamat, Tallinn, 2008, 99 [in Estonian].

64. ENSV GLAVLIT-i ülema A. Adamsi kiri EKP KK propaganda ja agitatsiooni osakonna juhatajale V. Rannele 3.7.1962 [The letter of the Head of the Estonian GLAVLIT A. Adams to the Head of the ECP CC Propaganda and Agitation Department V. Ranne 3 July 1962]. ERAF 1-254-27, 51 [in Estonian].

65. Cf. Maimik, P. Tõkked ajalehtede-ajakirjade trükkimise teel enne tsensuuri kaotamist Eestis [The hindrances to the printing of newspapers and magazines before the abolishment of censorship in Estonia]. – In: Eesti ajakirjanduse ajaloost, X [On the history of Estonian journalism, X]. Ed. P. Maimik. Tartu University Press, Tartu, 1996, 99–107 [in Estonian].

66. Hiedel, L. Loomingu Raamatukogu alaeast: märkmeid ja meenutusi [Remarks and memoires of an editor of the Literary Series Loomingu Raamatukogu]. – Vikerkaar, 1995, 8, 72 [in Estonian].

67. A. Koeli seletuskiri EKP KK sekretärile sm Väljasele 1.2.1972 [A. Koel’s explanation letter to the Secretary of the ECP CC comrade Väljas of 1 February 1972]. ERAF 1-11-246, 1 [in Estonian].

68. EKP KK büroo 15. veebruari 1972. a koosoleku protokoll [Minutes of the meeting of the Bureau of the ECP CC of 15 February 1972]. ERAF 1-4-4161, 115 [in Estonian].

69. Lauk, E. Practice of Soviet censorship in the press. The case of Estonia, 31.

70. E.g., Hiedel, L. Loomingu Raamatukogu alaeast: märkmeid ja meenutusi, 72; Villandi, V. Toimetaja või kirjanik? [Editor or author?]. – Looming, 1991, 4, 541 [in Estonian].

71. Ojamaa, J. Kümme aastat “Loomingu Raamatukogus” (1973–1983) [Ten years in “Loomingu Raamatukogu” (1973–1983)]. – Loomingu Raamatukogu, 2006, 37–40, 212 [in Estonian].

72. Veskimägi, K.-O. Nõukogude unelaadne elu. Tsensuur Eesti NSV-s ja tema peremehed, 263.

73. GLAVLIT-i ülema käskkiri 7.2.1975 [Decree of the Head of the GLAVLIT of 7 February 1975]. ERA R-17-1-614, 4 [in Estonian].

74. Veskimägi, K.-O. Nõukogude unelaadne elu. Tsensuur Eesti NSV-s ja tema peremehed, 263.

75. Uus, S. Leheneegri leivas, 253–254.

76. GLAVLIT-i ülema asetäitja H. Azhnina/Laulu ettekanne Moskvasse 5.8.1966 [Report of the Deputy Head of the Estonian GLAVLIT H. Azhnina/Laul to Moscow on 5 August 1966]. ERA R-17-3-62, 4–9 [in Estonian].

77. Ruutsoo, R. Estonia, 122.

78. Lauristin, M., Vihalemm, P. Recent historical developments in Estonia: three stages of transition (1987–1997), 75.

79. Wertsch, J. V. Mind as Action.

80. Aarelaid, A. Topeltmõtlemise kujunemine kahel esimesel nõukogulikul aastakümnel [Development of double thinking in the two first decades of the Soviet time]. – Akadeemia, 2000, 4, 755–773 [in Estonian].

81. Jakubowicz, K. Media as agents of change, 26.
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