eesti teaduste
akadeemia kirjastus
SINCE 1997
Acta cover
Acta Historica Tallinnensia
ISSN 1736-7476 (Electronic)
ISSN 1406-2925 (Print)
Impact Factor (2022): 0.3



On käsitletud Tsaari-Venemaa sotsiaalpoliitikat 19. sajandi keskpaigast kuni Esimese maailma­sõjani Vene impeeriumi kahe suurima tekstiilitööstusettevõtte – Eestimaa kubermangus tegutsenud Narva Kreenholmi Manufaktuuri (asutatud 1857) ja Kesk-Venemaa Vladimiri kubermangu Nikolski Puuvillamanufaktuuri (1847) – näitel. Seejuures on lähtutud kahest tasandist, mis on mõjutanud sotsiaalpoliitika arengusuundi: nii riigi tasandist ehk valitsuse poliitikast seadusloome näol kui ka vabrikantide enesealgatuslikust initsiatiivist normaalse elu- ja töökeskkonna kujunda­misel. On otsitud vastust küsimustele, kuidas olid töölised Tsaari-Venemaal kindlustatud nendeks juhtumiteks (haigus, õnnetus, vanadus, tööpuudus), kui nad polnud enam ise suutelised elatuma oma tavalisest palgatööst; kuidas oli organiseeritud arstiabi; kas ja kuidas olid tagatud hariduse omandamise võimalused; kuidas olid rahuldatud inimeste vajadused eluaseme järele.


The article deals with the social policy of Imperial Russia from the second half of the 19th century up to the First World War on the example of two largest textile enterprises – the Kreenholm Manufacture (founded in 1857 in Estland province, Baltic region) and Nikolski Cotton Manufacture (1847, Vladimir province, Central region). The investigation proceeds on two levels that influenced the directions of social policy: on the level of government legislative action and on the level of private initiative of entrepreneurs and private enterprise. The types of social insurance, organisation of medical services, provision of elementary education and lodging of industrial workers are under investigation.

For the Kreenholm workers both emergency and hospital medical care were available since the enterprise started to operate in 1858. For the Nikolski workers medical services were made accessible at the turn of the 1850s and 1860s. The central government acted only in 1866, after repeated tragic visitations of cholera. As the public health system was very much neglected, the Act of 1866 put the responsibility for opening hospitals and providing free medical services for industrial workers on the entrepreneurs. However, still at the beginning of the 20th century there was a small number of industrial enterprises in Russia fulfilling the clauses of the act.

Unlike England and Germany, Imperial Russia had no law to protect the pregnant women and young mothers until 1912. In this context, it was an exception that the women of Kreenholm enjoyed three months unpaid maternity leave since 1897. The workers of the Nikolski manufacture achieved eight weeks maternity leave only in 1905 after revolutionary struggle.

An important change in the social sphere took place at the beginning of the 20th century, when a social insurance system was introduced in Russia. Although following the social security model of Germany, Czarist Russia took over only part of it – insurance against work-related injuries (1903) and against sickness (1912). These laws guaranteed certain income for industrial workers in the period of temporary disability, including maternity, and free medical care. Still, protection for unemployment and old age remained family responsibility. To protect the workers against the hazards of life, the owners of Kreenholm paid a small monthly retirement allowance and provided free housing to those who had worked in the manufacture for more than 30 years. In Nikolski the retired single workers and orphans were settled in the poorhouse with provision of free meals and medical care.

Because of undeveloped infrastructure the Kreenholm and Nikolski manu­factures had to build not only factory buildings, but also barracks and dwellings for workers and managers as well as schools and hospitals. So, most workers of Kreenholm and Nikolski lived in employer-provided housing, but the conditions varied. Some workers of Kreenholm lived in two- or three-storey buildings with separate rooms for workmen with families; some families living in small houses shared the house with 2–8 families. The shortage of space in Nikolski barracks meant that part of the workers slept in the workplaces. The situation did not improve until 1873 when the Nikolski cotton mill was converted into a limited liability company and large investments were made into the social sphere. The workers as house-owners emerged as a new phenomenon in Imperial Russia in the last decade of the 19th century. It was common for companies with British and German investments. Among them were also Kreenholm and Nikolski manu­factures.

The sphere in which the state became involved in the 1880s was working conditions of child labour and their educational provision. The Acts of 1882 and 1884 forbade the employment of children under 12, limited the working hours of teenagers between 12 and 15 to 8 hours a day and made school attendance compulsory for them. It was a duty of factory inspectors to put pressure on factory owners to open factory schools. Under the terms of the Acts the entrepreneurs became responsible for provision of elementary education. In this area the Kreenholm and Nikolski manufactures were also pioneers. Kreenholm provided schooling since 1862 and Nikolski since 1864.

Considering the Kreenholm and Nikolski manufactures we can say that in Russia social policy was largely based on the initiative of private enterprises. The social policy of the owners of the Nikolski cotton manufacture as well as of the Kreenholm cotton manufacture was directed to improving the living standards of workers by organising free medical care and elementary education and providing housing for workers and social assistance to retired persons and orphans. The owners of these two enterprises understood very well that the investments into the social sphere would influence the living conditions, which in turn would affect the working environment and competitive ability of the enterprise.


1. The National Archives of the United Kingdom (NAUK), Lab (Records of departments responsible for labour and employment matters and related bodies) 15/19, p. 11 (Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of the Factories and Workshop for the year 1932).

2.NAUK, Lab 15/12, p. 61 (Factory Department Memoranda, April 1915).

3.NAUK, HO (Home Office: Registered Papers), 45, ref 9910/B21173 (Factory and Workshop Acts).

4. Braun, H. Industrialization and Social Policy in Germany. C. Heymann, Köln, 1956, 48.

5. Samas, 48.

6. Tilk, M. Alaealiste tööseadusandlusest ja koolikorraldusest 19. sajandi teisel poolel. – Rmt: Eesti töölisklassi sotsiaal-majanduslik olukord ja klassivõitlus kapitalismi ajajärgul. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia, Tallinn, 1987, 50.

7. Полное Собрание Законов Российской империи (ПСЗ), 1882, т. II, cт. 931.

8. Kuni Eesti- ja Liivimaa kubermangu iseseisvate vabrikuinspektsioonide loomiseni 1894. aastal kontrollis vabrikuseaduste täitmist 1884. aastal tegevust alustanud Peterburi tööstusringkonna vabrikuinspektor.

9.ПСЗ, 1884, т. IV, cт. 2316.

10. Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907. Ajalooline kirjeldus, kokkuseatud selle vabriku 50-aastase kestvuse puhul 30. aprillil 1907. a. Tartu, 1908, 94.

11.Кренгольмская мануфактура близ Нарвы. Описание фабрики и жилых помещений для рабочих. С.-Петербург, 1876, 23, 24.

12. Samas, 25.

13.Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 94, 97; Mäsak, E. Hariduse omandamise jaenesetäien­damise võimalustest Eesti tööstusasulates ja -linnades (1830–1917). – Eesti Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised. Humanitaar- ja Sotsiaalteadused, 1996, 45, 1, 105.

14.Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 97.
15.Eesti Ajalooarhiiv (EAA), f 206, n 1, s 188, l 11.
16.Samas, l 77.

17.Seestpidise heakorra säädused Krenholmi vabrikus (kinitatud 1897). Βыданная из конторы Кренгольмской мануфактуры разчетная книжка. Утвержденная Эстляндским Губернским по фабричным делам Присутствием. Palga aruraamat väljaantud Krenholmi vabriku kontorist. Kinnitatud Eestimaa kubermangu vabriku asjade komissionist. Narva, 1898, § 8; EAA, f 206,
n 1, s 190, l 125.

18. Kreenholmi Puuvillasaaduste Manufaktuuri osaühisus 75: 1857–1932. Tallinn, 1933, 113.

19. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 81, l 14.
20. Samas, l 15.
21.Samas, l 4.

22.Поткина И. В. На олимпе делового успеха: Николская мануфактура Морозовых 1797–1917. Главархив Москвы, Москва, 2004, 191.

23.Песков П. А. Фабричный быт Владимирской губернии. Отчет за 1882–1883 г, фабричного инспектора над занятиями малолетних рабочих. СПб., 1884, 33–34.

24.Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 194.


27. Розенталь И. C. Духовные запросы рабочих России после революции 1905–1907 гг. – Rmt: Исторические записки, 107. Наука, Mocква, 1982, 73.

28. Berger, S. Social Democracy and the Working Class in Nineteenth and Twentieth Century Germany. Longman, New York, 2000, 60.

29. Samas, 61.

30. Samas, 61, 62.

31. Кренгольмская мануфактура близ Нарвы, 4, 13.

32.Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 71.

33. Описание Кренгольмской мануфактуры близ г. Нарвы. Нарва, 1896, 10, 21, 40–43.

34. Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 77.

35. Kreenholmi Puuvillasaaduste Manufaktuuri osaühisus, 72–74.

36. Samas, 93.

37. Кренгольмская мануфактура близ Нарвы, 13.

38. Kimm, A. Vihased aastad: vana töölise mälestusi. Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, Tallinn, 1957, 10.

39. Кренгольмская мануфактура близ Нарвы, 16.

40. Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 84.

42. Samas.
43.Kreenholmi Puuvillasaaduste Manufaktuuri osaühisus, 98.

44.Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 171.

45. Samas, 176.

46.Толоконский Н.И. Орехово-Зуевская стачка 1885 г. Госполитиздат, Москва, 1956, 18.

47. Samas, 17.

48. Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 172.

49. Толоконский Н. И. Орехово-Зуевская стачка, 33; Поткина И. В. На олимпе делового успеха, 175.

50.Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 174.

51.Samas, 172.
52.Samas, 172, 173.
53.Samas, 173.

54. Samas, 175.

55.          Полищук Н. С. Влияние жилищных условий на образ жизни текстильщиков ЦПР. (На примере фабричных казарм конца XIX–начала XX в.). – Rmt: Морозовская стачка 1885 г. и рабочие центрального промышленного района России в конце XIX–начала XX в. Ответственный редактор Н. А. Иванова. Институт истории СССР, Москва, 1984, 208; Поткина И. В. На олимпе делового успеха, 173.

56. Лаверычев В. Я., Соловьева А. М. Боевой почин российского пролетариата: к 100-летию Морозовской стачки 1885 г. Мысль, Москва, 1985, 68.

57.Поткина И. В. На олимпе делового успеха, 174.
58.Кренгольмская мануфактура близ Нарвы, 14–16.

59. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 188, l 5.

60. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 157, l 85.

61. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 188, l 14.

62. Samas, l 14–15.
63. Samas, l 13.

64.  Васильев Б. Н. Штрафы на Никольской мануфактуре Т. С. Морозова. – Rmt: Морозовская стачка 1885 г., 205; Лаверычев В. Я., Соловьева, А. М. Боевой почин российского пролетариата, 51, 69.

65. Толоконский Н.И. Орехово-Зуевская стачка, 22–23.

66. Лаверычев В. Я., Соловьева А. М. Боевой почин российского пролетариата, 27.

67.Berger, S. Social Democracy andthe Working Class, 61.

68. Святловский В. В. Жилище фабричнаго рабочаго в Малороссии и в Привисляндской крае. Чернигов, 1889, 1–5, 9–12; Johnson, R. Peasant and Proletarian: The Working Class of Moscow in the Late Nineteenth Century. Leicester University Press, Leicester, 1979, 84.

69. Bonnell, V. Roots of Rebellion. Workers’ Politics and Organizations in St. Petersburg and Moscow, 1900–1914. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1983, 69.

70. Святловский В. В. Жилище фабричнаго рабочаго, 5–7; Святловский В. В. Фабричный рабочий. Исследование здоровья русского фабричного рабочего в Привисляндском крае и в Малороссии. (Из наблюдений фабричного инспектора.) Варшава, 1889, 83.

71.Vt Врачебная помощь фабричным рабочим. Составлено и разработано фабричным ревизором Е. М. Дементьевым. С.-Петербург, 1899, 8–9; Врачебная помощь фабрично-заводским рабочим в 1907 году. С.-Петербург, 1909, 141.

72. Врачебная помощь фабрично-заводским рабочим, 141.

73. Литвинов-Фалинский В. П. Фабричное законодательство и фабричная инспекция в России. С.-Петербург, 1904, 241.

74. ПСЗ, 1886, т. VI, ст. 5769.

75. Врачебная помощь фабричным рабочим, 37–38.

76.Samas, 46–48; Эстляндские Губернские Ведомости, 1895, 22 июня.

77. Кренгольмская мануфактура близ Нарвы, 20.

78.Vt Отчет Кренгольмской участковой санитарно-исполнительной комиссии. Нарва, 1894.

79. Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 108, 111.

80. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 191, l 21–22; s 290, l 73.
81. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 290, l 103.

82. Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 162.

83. Samas, 163.

84. Samas, 165, 168.

85. Samas, 163, 167.

86. Samas, 164.

87. Vt Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 112–113.

88. Поткина И. В. На олимпе делового успеха, 166, 169.

89. Samas, 167.

90.Samas, 168.

91. Βасильев Б. Н. Штрафы на Никольской мануфактуре Т. С. Морозова. – Rmt: Морозовская стачка 1885 г., 205.

92.Vt Врачебная помощь фабричным рабочим, 84; Врачебная помощь фабрично-заводским рабочим, 8.

93.1886. aasta tööliste ja ettevõtjate vahelisi töösuhteid reguleeriv seadus nägi ette juhtumid, millal võis töölist trahvida, ja maksimaalsed trahvimäärad. Trahvidest moodustati fond, mille summasid võis kasutada ainult tööliste tarvis.

94. ПСЗ, 1903, т. XXIII, ст. 23060.

95. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 157, l 168.

96.Свод законов Российской империи по Продолжениям 1906, 1908, 1909 и 1910 гг. и позднейшим узаконением 1911 и 1912 гг. Дополниеульныя узаконения. Книга третья,
т. X–XIII, столб 1190-1234. С.-Петербург, 1913.

97. Поткина И. В. На олимпе делового успеха, 181.

98. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 325, l 73.
99. Kreenholmi puuvillavabrik 1857–1907, 125.
100. EAA, f 206, n 1, s 157, l 36; s 189, l 133.
101.Kрузе Э. Условия труда и быта рабочего класса в России 1900–1914 гг. Наука, Ленинград, 1981, 35.

102.NAUK, Lab 15/12, p. 163 (Factory Department Memoranda, April 1915).

103.Braun, H. Industrialization and Social Policy, 51.

104.ТолоконскийН.И. Орехово-Зуевская стачка, 33.

105.Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 363.

106. Kreenholmi Puuvillasaaduste Manufaktuuri osaühisus, 80.

107. Tallinna Teataja, 1910, 16. nov.

108.Arvestusalus: Свод отчетов фабричных инспекторов за 1910 год. СПб., 1911, 281.

109. Поткина И.В. На олимпе делового успеха, 181, 182.

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