This article analyses the process of Lithuania’s international recognition in the period of 1918–1924. It attempts to determine the legal meaning (theoretical and practical aspects) of the international recognition granted to Lithuania by different countries. It examines the hindering and driving factors for international recognition; correlations between different cases; their evaluations; and, their legal and political value. It is concluded that, in most cases, other countries were encouraged to establish de facto relations with Lithuania and to grant de facto and de jure recognition on the basis of the factual situation and real-life practice. The major obstacle that hindered de jure recognition was the principle of an ‘indivisible Russia’ and Lithuania’s dispute with Poland over Vilnius. The first recognitions de jure, which were obtained from Germany and Soviet Russia as the former sovereigns, as well as the recognitions conferred by the five Great Powers and the Holy See, conveyed the greatest legal and political value in establishing the independent state of Lithuania.
1. Telegram from German envoy in Bern Gisbert von Romberg to the Chancellor of the German Reich, 9th February 1918. Politisches Archiv des Auswärtigen Amts (PAAA)_RZ201_021714_163–165.
2. Letter from Jurgis Savickis to the Norwegian representative in Copenhagen, 18th May 1921. Riks Arkivet (RA) Udenriksdepartamentet (UD), 1918–1924, hefte Norsk anerkendelse af Litauen (Hefte Litauen), 107–109.
3. Lietuvą pripažinus de jure. – Lietuva, 29th December 1922, 1.
4. G. Rutenbergas. Die baltischen Staaten und das Völkerrecht: die Entstehungsprobleme Litauems, Lettlands u. Estlands im Lichte des Völkerrechts. Verlag der Buchhandlung G. Loeffler, Riga, 1928.
5. G. Rutenbergas. Tarptautinė teisė ir mažosios valstybės. – Teisė, 1926, 9, 1–6; G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, susikūrimas ir jos pripažinimas tarptautinės teisės šviesoje. – Teisė, 1927, 11, 35–51; Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, susikūrimas ir jos pripažinimas tarptautinės teisės šviesoje. – Teisė, 1927, 12, 28–63.
6. Consultations de MM. A. de Lapradelle, Louis Le Fur et André N. Mandelstam: concernant la force obligatoire de la décision de la Conférence des ambassadeurs du 15 mars 1923. Jouve & cie, Paris, 1928, 13–39; A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas. 1 tomas, Konstitucinė tarptautinė teisė. Lietuvos Universiteto Biblioteka, Kaunas, 1931, 132, 137, 150, 155; L. Natkevičius. Aspect politique et juridique du différend Polono-Lithuanien. 2 leid. Spaudos fondas, Kaunas, 1930, 51–66.
7. C. R. Jurgėla. Lithuania and the United States: The Establishment of State Relations. Lithuanian Historical Society, Chicago, 1985, 7–12, 217–221; A. N. Tarulis. American–Baltic Relations 1918–1922: The Struggle over Recognition. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington, 1965, 349–370; A. E. Senn. Swiss Recognition of Lithuania, August 1921. – Lituanus, 1978, 24/1, 5–12. See:
accessed 14th September 2022; P. Čepėnas, Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija. T. 2. Fotografuotas leidimas. Lituanus, Vilnius, 1992, 708–718.
8. The book by Juozas Šatas does not include references, making it unclear to whom the author actually referred. The content of the text presupposes that the author was familiar with and drew from the research by Rutenbergas. The text abounds in the paraphrased thoughts by Rutenbergas. See: J. Šatas. Lietuvos tarptautinis pripažinimas: praeities ir dabarties realijos. Lietuvos „Žinijos“ draugijos leidykla, Vilnius, 1991, 5–30.
9. J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio pripažinimo Lietuvai 1922 m. problema. – Jurisprudencija, 2002, 33/25, 42–52; J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas Bronius Kazys Balutis. Vaga, Vilnius, 2001, 226–238; A. Kasparavičius. Tarp politikos ir diplomatijos. Šventasis Sostas ir Lietuvos Respublika. LII leidykla, Vilnius, 2008, 84, 103, 106, 111, 123; Z. Butkus. Tarp Trečiojo Reicho ir Trečiosios Romos: Vokietijos ir Sovietų politikos poveikis Baltijos šalių tarptautinei ir vidaus padėčiai tarpukaryje. VU leidykla, Vilnius, 2019, 233–242; Č. Laurinavičius. Lietuvos–Sovietų Rusijos Taikos sutartis (1920 m. liepos 12 sutarties problema). Valst. leidybos centras, Vilnius, 1992, 164–166; A. Veilentienė. Išsaugoti nepriklausomybę: Lietuvos Seimo veikla užsienio politikoje 1920–1927 metais. Lietuvos nacionalinis muziejus, Vilnius, 2020, 42–61; V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva 1918–1940 m. LII leidykla, Vilnius, 2002, 28–35; S. Pivoras, Švedija ir Lietuvos pripažinimas de jure. – Lituanistica, 1999, 45/4, 32–49; S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje 1918–1940 metais. Saulabrolis, Vilnius, 2002, 54–58, 70–72; D. Bukelevičiūtė. Lietuvos ir Čekoslovakijos dvišalių santykių dinamika 1918–1939 metais. VU leidykla, Vilnius, 2010, 24–31; L. Švec. Čekoslovensko a pobaltské státy v letech 1918–1939: Vývoj politických a hospodářských vztahů Čekoslovenska s Litvou, Lotyšskem a Estonskem v meziválečném období. Univerzita Karlova v Praze. Nakladatelství Karolinum, Praha, 2001, 49–78; V. Bukaitė. Lietuvos Respublikos politiniai ir diplomatiniai santykiai su Prancūzija 1919–1940 m. Daktaro disertacija. Humanitariniai mokslai, istorija (05 H). Vilnius, 2013, 60–72; J. Gueslin. Prancūzija ir Lietuvos klausimas (1920–1923 m.): tarp iliuzijų ir realios politikos. – Istorija, 2002, 51, 33–34.
10. In the text, the term ‘correlation’ is understood as a connection that can be seen between specific cases of de facto and/or de jure recognition granted to Lithuania. These connections come from the influence of decisions made in certain states upon those made in others. On some occasions, that influence actually meant diplomatic pressure. For more, see: Telegram from the Swedish Foreign Ministry to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 25th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, s. 123; Telephoned telegram from the Danish Foreign Ministry to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 24th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, s. 125.
11. Čepėnas argues that the recognition process was driven by the active involvement of Lithuanians in the US, but according to Skirius it was stimulated by the resignation of Boris Bakhmetev, and the permission to use the specific wording of the recognition which was granted to the Baltic states. See: P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 715; J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio, 44, 47.
12. J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio, 45–46.
13. This article draws from recent research, see: S. Grigaravičiūtė. Pirmasis Lietuvos nepriklausomybės pripažinimo prašymas 1918 m. vasario 8–9 d.: tekstas ir kontekstas. – Lituanistica, 2022, 68/2, 87–121.
14. A. Gaigalaitė. Penkios dienos Lietuvos istorijoje. – Istorija, 1997, 36, 119–144.
15. R. Žepkaitė. Diplomatija imperializmo tarnyboje: Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykiai 1919–1939 m. Mokslas, Vilnius, 1980, 100–110; P. Miškinis. Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykių tarptautiniai teisiniai aspektai (1919–1939). Mintis, Vilnius, 1976, 40–46; G. Vilkelis. Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykiai Tautų Sąjungoje. Versus aureus, Vilnius, 2006, 70–74.
16. R. Valsonokas. Klaipėdos problema: Fotografuot. leid. Vaizdas, Vilnius, 1989, 51–52.
17. R. Lopata. Lietuvos valstybingumo raida 1914–1918 metais. Mintis, Vilnius, 1996, 140.
18. T. Kristiansen. Det fjerne og farlige Baltikum: Norge og det baltiske spørsmål 1918–1940. IFS INFO [Institutt for forsvarsstudier], København, 1992, 4, 24–29.
19. V. Vadapalas. Tarptautinė teisė: Bendroji dalis. Eugrimas, Vilnius, 1998, 118; A. Murphy, V. Stancescu. State Formation and Recognition in International Law. – Juridical Tribune, 2017, 7/1, 6–14; M. Fabry. The Evolution of State Recognition. – Routledge Handbook of State Recognition. Ed. by G. Visoka, J. Doyle and E. Newman. Routledge, New York, London, 2019, 37–41.
20. Lietuvos Valstybės Tarybos protokolai. Sudarė A. Eidintas, R. Lopata. Mokslas, Vilnius, 1991, 146–147; Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo procesas, 1917 m. liepa–gruodis: Dokumentų rinkinys. Sudarė L. Mažylis, R. Zozaitė. VDU, Kaunas, 2018, 110–111; Lietuvių-Lenkų byla dėl tranzito Nemuno upynu ir Kaišiadorių–Lentvario geležinkelio ruožu. Kaunas, 1931, 1, 95–101; Lithuanian Recognition. Advocated by W. C. McAdoo, H. A. Gibbons, and W. M. Chandler. Lithuanian Information Bureau, Washington, 1925, 1–27; V. Sidzikauskas. Lietuvos diplomatijos paraštėje. Vaga, Vilnius, 1994, 26–30; The following periodicals are meant: Lietuva, Laisvė, Lietuvos aidas, Vyriausybės žinios. Tarptautinis lūžis: Lietuvos valstybės pripažinimas de jure prieš 100 metų – 28th June 2021. Lietuvos centrinis valstybės archyvas, virtual exhibition, see:
accessed 14th September 2022; Atkurtos Lietuvos nepriklausomos valstybės pripažinimo chronologija – Lietuvos Respublikos Seimas, see:
<>, accessed 14th September 2022.
21. M. Fabry. The Evolution of State Recognition, 37–41.
22. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 29.
23. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 132.
24. This provision has essentially not changed. By the act of recognition, the recognising state “establishes its legal position in respect of the recognised state or government”. See: V. Vadapalas. Tarptautinė teisė: Bendroji dalis. Eugrimas, Vilnius, 1998, 118.
25. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 37.
26. Ibid., 12, 37.
27. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 132.
28. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 11, 35, 50.
29. Ibid., 12, 38.
30. Lietuvių-Lenkų byla, 95–101; J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 237; P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 708–718.
31. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 38.
32. Diplomatic relations were established between the states after Lithuania accepted the Polish ultimatum. See: A. Gaigalaitė. Penkios dienos Lietuvos istorijoje, 119–144.
33. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 38; G. Rutenbergas. Recenzija Dr. L. Natkevičiaus knygai Aspect Politique et Juridique du differend Polono–Lithuanien. Paris, 1930. – Teisė, 1930, 18, 121–128; L. Natkevičius. Aspect politique et juridique, 51–66.
34. Transcript of the verbal note by Guisseppe Motta to Chief of the Mission in Bern, Vaclovas Sidzikauskas, 19th August 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 115; Lietuvių-Lenkų byla, 95–101; The Holy See granted de jure recognition to the Government of Lithuania rather than the State of Lithuania. See: G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 60.
35. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 54–55.
36. Transcript of Document A47456, 6th November 1918. PAAA_RZ201_021725_71–72.
37. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 38–39; P. Čepėnas, Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 703.
38. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 38–44; P. Čepėnas, Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 703.
39. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 150; G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 28.
40. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 155.
41. Report by Juozas Pėteraitis to the Prime Minister, 25th January 1923. Lithuanian Central State Archive (LCSA), fund (f.) 383, inventory (i.) 7, case (c.) 378, list (l.) 192–193; S. Grigaravičiūtė. Representation of Lithuania in the Klaipėda Region, 1920–1923. Науковий вісник Дипломатичної академії України, 2013, 20/1, 184–195, see
<>, accessed 14th September 2022.
42. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 43.
43. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 137.
44. Ibid., 150.
45. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 42; Letter of appointment of Juozas Macevičius, 2nd May 1921. LCSA, f. 383, i. 7, c. 214, l. 37; Telegram from Petras Klimas to Bronius Blaveščiūnas in Constantinople, 9th February 1921. LCSA, f. 383, i. 7, c. 214, l. 53. The same in French. LCSA, f. 383, i. 7, c. 214, l. 60; Lietuvių vargai Konstantinopoly. Lietuva, 12th February 1921, 34, 3; Report by Kazimieras Jocis (Lithuanian authorised representative to Siberia) to the Lithuanian representation in Moscow, 31st January 1922. LCSA, f. 383, i. 4, c. 49, l. 187; Report by Johannes Irgens to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 21st January 1920. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 71; Report by Chairperson of the Lithuanian Executive Committee, M. J. Vinikas, in Washington to the Norwegian representative in Washington, 2nd January 1920. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 77.
46. Verbal note from the Danish representation in Kristiania to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 8th November 1920. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 93.
47. Transcript of the minutes of the meeting between the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs and Jurgis Savickis, 16th August 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 111.
48. Report by Johannes Irgens to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 21st January 1920. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 71.
49. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 42; P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 703.
50. A. E. Senn. Swiss Recognition of Lithuania, 5–12.
51. T. Kristiansen. Det fjerne og farlige Baltikum, 29.
52. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 42.
53. Ibid., 12, 42; J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 231.
54. Lietuvių-Lenkų byla, 78–89; S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 126.
55. R. Žepkaitė. Diplomatija imperializmo tarnyboje, 100–110; G. Vilkelis. Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykiai, 70–74; P. Miškinis. Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykių, 51–53.
56. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 43.
57. Note of the Government of the Far Eastern Republic to the Lithuanian representative in Soviet Russia concerning the note of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania to the Government of the Far Eastern Republic on the appointment of Motiejus Čepas of 25th November 1921. LCSA, f. 383, i. 4, c. 49, l. 188–190.
58. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 38.
59. Ibid., 43–44.
60. Ibid.
61. Ibid., 38–44.
62. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 132.
63. It was important for the Lithuanian Government to receive an invitation to the Conference of Genoa, as it was hoped that Lithuania would succeed in obtaining de jure recognition from the great European powers. See: J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 225–228.
64. Report by Norwegian representative in Kristiania, Johannes Irgens, to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 11th February 1922. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 171.
65. J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 230–231.
66. Report by the Norwegian representative in London to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 6th August 1924. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 197, 199.
67. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 41.
68. Ibid., 43.
69. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 140.
70. Information on Estonia’s preparation to recognise Lithuania de jure was received on 28th February 1921. The news was reported in the press on 3rd March 1921: “Dear Minister, I am honoured to inform you that the Government of the Republic of Estonia, guided by the intention to strengthen friendly relations, which have always existed between the two nations, resolved to recognise the independent state of Lithuania de jure. I am truly delighted to be able to communicate this friendly decision on the part of the Republic of Estonia. Please accept my good wishes for Lithuania’s wellbeing. I would also like to take the opportunity to express my respect to You, Mr. Minister. Piip”. On 12th March 1921, Estonian chargé d’affaires, Lt. August Johannes Schmidt submitted his credentials to the Lithuanian Foreign Minister. See: Užsieniai. Ir Estai pripažins Lietuvą. Talinas, II. 28. (Elta). – Lietuva, 3rd March 1921, 2; Telegramos. Lietuva. Kaunas. III–3. (Elta) – Lietuva, 8th March 1921, 3; Politikos žinios. Estų atstovas Lietuvai – Lietuva, 18th March 1921, 2.
71. R. Valsonokas. Klaipėdos problema, 51–52.
72. C. R. Jurgėla. Lithuania and the United States, 10.
73. S. Pivoras. Švedija ir Lietuvos pripažinimas de jure, 39–40; S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 55; G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 48–49; A. E. Senn, Swiss Recognition of Lithuania, 5–12; V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 35–36; P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 717; Manuscript letter registered by the Norwegian Foreign Minister to the Norwegian representative in Copenhagen, 23rd January 1919. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 41.
74. Iš buvusio Lietuvos valdžios įgaliotinio darbuotės Maskvoje – Laisvė, 27th April 1920, 2.
75. S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 37–47; Letter from Augustinas Voldemaras to Secretary of the German Foreign Office, Dr. W. S. Solf, 30th October 1918. PAAA_RZ201_021724_359–360; Transcript of Document A47456, 6th November 1918. PAAA_RZ201_021725_71–72.
76. S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 56–58.
77. A. E. Senn. Swiss Recognition of Lithuania, 5–12.
78. Ibid.
79. In January 1920, Estonian representative in Copenhagen, Karl Menning, paid a visit to Kristiania with the purpose of obtaining recognition from Norway. In an interview, he said that Norway was the only Nordic country which had not yet recognised Estonia de facto. T. Kristiansen. Det fjerne og farlige Baltikum, 25.
80. V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 35–36.
81. Ibid.
82. Report by Norwegian representative in Copenhagen, Johannes Irgens, to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 11th January 1919. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 39.
83. Telegram 168 by Jurgis Savickis to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Denmark’s de facto recognition of Lithuania, 6th November 1920. LCSA, f. 383, i. 7, c. 365, l. 171.
84. Letter by the Swedish Royal Mission in Kristiania to Norwegian Foreign Minister, Nils Claus Ihlen, 6th December 1918. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 31–32.
85. Manuscript answer by the Norwegian Foreign Minister to the Swedish Mission in Kristiana, 9th December 1918. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 33.
86. Report by Norwegian representative in Copenhagen, Johannes Irgens, to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 11th January 1919. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 39.
87. Manuscript letter registered by the Norwegian Foreign Minister to the Norwegian representative in Copenhagen, 23rd January 1919. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 41.
88. P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 717.
89. Report from Vytautas Gylys to the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 19th June 1919. LCSA, f. 383, i. 7, c. 100, l. 37.
90. Ibid.
91. Lietuvos Valstybės Tarybos protokolai, 146–147.
92. Declaration of the Council of Lithuania of 11th December 1917 (original copy). Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo procesas, 110–111.
93. Notiz. Abschrift. A 4345 [preliminary date 7th February 2018]. PAAA_RZ201_021714_006.
94. Lietuvos Valstybės Tarybos protokolai, 190; Minutes of the sitting of the Lithuanian National Council (in Lausanne), 31st March 1918. Vilnius University Library Manuscripts Division (hereinafter – VUB RS), f. 155-996, pages not numbered.
95. Transcript of the telegram from Berckheim to the German Foreign Office, 8th February 1918. PAAA_RZ201_021714_037–038.
96. For more, see: S. Grigaravičiūtė. Pirmasis Lietuvos nepriklausomybės pripažinimo prašymas, 87–121.
97. P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 704.
98. Manuscript text of the recognition of Lithuania’s independence, 10th February 1918 (in German). PAAA_RZ201_021714_176–177; Typewritten text of the recognition was appended to a letter from the Chancellor of the German Reich to the German Kaiser, 13th February 1918. PAAA_RZ201_021714_206; Draft text of the recognition of Lithuania’s independence [typewritten, not dated]. PAAA_RZ201_021714_207–208.
99. Lietuvos nepriklausomybės pripažinimo dokumentas – Lietuvos aidas, 9th May 1918, 1.
100. Report from the Norwegian envoy in Berlin to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 13th May 1918. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 27.
101. Das unabhängige Litauen – Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 12th May 1918, nr. 240. Excerpt from the article. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 29; Lietuvos nepriklausomybės pripažinimo dokumentas. – Lietuvos aidas, 9th May 1918, 1.
102. Aufzeichnung über die kommisarische Besprechung im Reichsamt des Innern vom 14. Mai 1918 über die künftigen rechtlichen Beziehungen zwischen dem Deutschen Reich einer, Kurland und Litauen andererseits. PAAA_RZ201_021720_009–_031; Prie L. T. sąmatos. – Lietuvos aidas, 9th October 1918, 3.
103. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 237, 238.
104. Bündnisvertrag zwischen den Deutschen Reich und Litauen. Not dated. PAAA_RZ201_021718_056–058; Telegram from the representative of the German Foreign Office in Kaunas, Sanden, to the Chancellor of the German Reich, 9th May 1918. PAAA_RZ201_021719_037–039.
105. Č. Laurinavičius. Lietuvos–Sovietų Rusijos Taikos sutartis, 82–88; Z. Butkus. Tarp Trečiojo Reicho ir Trečiosios Romos, 224.
106. Ibid.; A. Veilentienė. Išsaugoti nepriklausomybę, 42–61.
107. Lietuvos Taikos sutartis su Rusija. – Vyriausybės žinios, 30th November 1920, 1–11.
108. C. R. Jurgėla. Lithuania and the United States, 7–8.
109. V. Mažeika. Alandų salyno klausimas: jo sprendimo principų taikymas Vilniaus klausimui galimybės. – Lietuvos istorijos metraštis 1996 metai. Vilnius, 1997, 160–182; Precedentas lietuvių-lenkų nesantaikai išspręsti. – Lietuva, 20th May 1921, 1.
110. A. E. Senn. Swiss Recognition of Lithuania, 5–12.
111. Ibid.
112. Ibid.
113. Ibid.
114. Ibid.; Šveicarija pripažino Lietuvą de jure. – Lietuva, 23rd August 1921, 1.
115. Šveicarija pripažino Lietuvą de jure. – Lietuva, 23rd August 1921, 1.
116. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 50–51.
117. Č. Laurinavičius. Lietuvos–Sovietų Rusijos Taikos sutartis, 164–166; Z. Butkus. Tarp Trečiojo Reicho ir Trečiosios Romos, 233–242.
118. S. Grigaravičiūtė. History of Lithuanian Diplomacy, 1918–1940. Study guide for Lithuanian and Erasmus students. [CD]. Edukologija, Vilnius, 2013, 34–35.
119. P. Miškinis. Lietuvos ir Lenkijos santykių, 40–46.
120. Lietuvių-Lenkų byla, 78–89.
121. Scandinavian press. LCSA, f. 383, i. 17, c. 3, l. 424.
122. Ibid.; V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 28–35.
123. V. Mažeika, Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 33.
124. Ibid., 31.
125. Letter from Jurgis Savicks to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 5th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 113.
126. Note from the Swedish mission in Kristiania to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 19th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 17–18.
127. Letter from the Danish representative in Kristiania to the Norwegian Foreign Minister, 22nd September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 133.
128. Information on the recognition of Lithuania in foreign countries, 23rd September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 121–122.
129. Phoned telegram from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 24th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 125.
130. Telegram from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 25th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 123.
131. “On 22nd July 1921, the Czechoslovak Government applied to the Lithuanian Government requesting to enter into closer relations with Czechoslovakia and to admit its consul.” See: D. Bukelevičiūtė. Lietuvos ir Čekoslovakijos, 28.
132. Ibid.
133. Ibid., 30.
134. Even after the Baltic states were recognised de jure in Czechoslovakia, “it was seen by many as the recognition of the Bolsheviks, but they eventually agreed to acknowledge that no sin against their sympathies with Russia was committed.” See: D. Bukelevičiūtė. Lietuvos ir Čekoslovakijos, 30.
135. J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 232; G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 56.
136. J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio, 45.
137. A. Murphy. V. Stancescu, State formation and Recognition, 9.
138. The bulletin of the Norwegian information agency about the events in the world, 29th July 1922. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 187.
139. The US Government appointed Clement S. Edwards as Consul in Kaunas on 13th July 1921. The US Consulate in Kaunas became operational on 7th November 1921. Until then, the US Consul residing in Riga (John Patrick Hurley), whose jurisdiction also included Lithuania, made irregular visits to Kaunas in 1920–1921. In 1919–1920, the military mission headed by Lt. Col. Warwick Greene (stationed in Liepāja; operated from 12th March to 4th August 1919) and the commission led by Capt. Col. J. A. Gade (from 26th August 1919 to 1st March 1920), and later by E. E. Young (headquartered in Tallinn, later Riga) paid visits to Lithuania. They both had no official diplomatic status. They were concerned with implementing the policy of an indivisible Russia supported by the US, and preventing the Lithuanian army from mounting an offensive against Poland. See: E. Gruzdienė. Užsienio valstybių karinės misijos pirmojoje Lietuvos Respublikoje 1919–1920 m. Daktaro disertacija. Humanitariniai mokslai, istorija (05H), Kaunas, 2011, 130–155; J. Skirius. Lietuvos užatlantės diplomatija 1918–1929 metais: santykių su JAV politiniai ir ekonominiai aspektai. [J. Skirius], Vilnius, 1995, 66–69; Ē. Jēkabsons. V. Ščerbinskis, Latvijas ārlietu dienesta darbinieki 1918–1991. – Biogrāfiska vārdnīca. Zinātne, Rīga, 2003, 399; Valio Amerikai. – Lietuva, 30th July 1922, 1.
140. P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 708–718.
141. J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio, 45, 46, 47.
142. P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 715.
143. J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 226.
144. Ibid., 226, 227.
145. Ibid., 230.
146. In the meeting of 30th June 1922, the Council of the Conference of Ambassadors considered the question of Lithuania’s recognition. At first, French and British ambassadors proposed to find out the Lithuanian Government’s position towards the internationalisation of the Nemunas River. The decision of the Conference of Ambassadors was officially communicated to Lithuania on 13th July 1922. This was the same day that the Lithuanian representative in Paris, Oskaras Milašius, received a note stating that “the Governments of France, Great Britain, Italy and Japan resolved to recognise the Lithuanian Government de jure on condition that the Lithuanian Government on its side accepts the stipulations of the Treaty of Versailles expressly and entirely in regard to the navigation in the Nemunas River and complies with them.” From July through December 1922, the Lithuanian Foreign Ministry corresponded with the Conference of Ambassadors, explaining that such a stipulation was not acceptable, presenting their arguments in the notes. The representatives of the Conference of Ambassadors pressed the Lithuanian Government to accept the stipulation. See: J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio, 231–232.
147. J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 231–232.
148. Ibid., 233.
149. A. Murphy. V. Stancescu, State formation and recognition, 9.
150. J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 238.
151. Lietuvių-Lenkų byla, 95–101; J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 237.
152. A. Kasparavičius. Tarp politikos ir diplomatijos, 84.
153. Ibid.
154. “The Holy See, in formulating its position in respect of Lithuania [...] is forced to observe Polish interests and [...] the French disposition.” See: A. Kasparavičius. Tarp politikos ir diplomatijos, 106.
155. Ibid., 103.
156. Ibid.
157. Ibid., 106, 111.
158. Ibid. 123; G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 60.
159. A. Kasparavičius. Tarp politikos ir diplomatijos, 123.
160. See: S. Grigaravičiūtė. Pirmasis Lietuvos nepriklausomybės pripažinimo prašymas, 87–121.
161. R. Lopata. Lietuvos valstybingumo raida, 140.
162. Litauens nye forfatning. – Aftenposten, 22nd March 1918, nr. 148. Excerpt from the article. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 19; Report from the Norwegian envoy in Berlin to the Norwegian Royal Department of Foreign Affairs, 26th March 1918. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 21; Report from the Norwegian envoy in Berlin to the Norwegian Royal Department of Foreign Affairs, 13th May 1918. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 27; Das unabhängige Litauen. Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, 12th May 1918, nr. 240. Excerpt from the article. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 29.
163. Letter from the Swedish Royal Mission in Kristiania to Norwegian Foreign Minister Nils Claus Ihlen, 6th December 1918. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 31–32.
164. Note from the Swedish Mission in Kristiania to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 19th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 17–18.
165. Telegram from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 25th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 123; Reply registered by the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs to the Chief of the Swedish Mission in Kristiania. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 127–128; Telephoned telegram from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 24th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 125; V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 75.
166. Note from the Swedish Mission in Kristiania to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 19th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 17–18; V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 73–74.
167. V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 74.
168. Transcript of the verbal note by Motta to Chief of the Mission in Bern Sidzikauskas, 19th August 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 115; Letter from the Lithuanian representation in Copenhagen to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 5th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 113.
169. Telegram from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 25th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 123; Reply registered by the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs to the Chief of the Swedish Mission in Kristiania, 26th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 127–128; Telephoned telegram from the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 24th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 125.
170. Olandai pripažino Lietuvą de jure. – Lietuva, 8th October 1921, 1; Suomiai pripažino Lietuvą de jure. – Lietuva, 16th October 1921, 1; Brazilija pripažino Lietuvą – Lietuva, 10th December 1921, 2; D. Bukelevičiūtė, Lietuvos ir Čekoslovakijos, 30.
171. M. Fabry. The Evolution of State Recognition, 38.
172. A. Kasparavičius. Tarp politikos ir diplomatijos, 103.
173. Ibid., 106, 111.
174. The minutes of the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs about a meeting with US Minister Laurits S. Swenson, 14th March 1922. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 177.
175. Note from the Belgian Ambassador in Paris on the de jure recognition of Lithuania, 27th December 1922. LCSA, f. 383, i. 7, c. 295, l. 44.
176. S. Grigaravičiūtė. History of Lithuanian Diplomacy, 31–33.
177. J. Skirius. JAV suteikto tarptautinio, 50.
178. J. Skirius. Lietuvių visuomenininkas ir diplomatas, 233.
179. Ibid., 239.
180. Ibid., 240.
181. P. Čepėnas. Naujųjų laikų Lietuvos istorija, 704.
182. S. Grigaravičiūtė. Lietuvos Tarybos atstovavimas Vokietijoje: Pirmasis etapas (1917 m. rugsėjo 24 d.–1918 m. kovo 31 d.). – Parlamento studijos, 2019, 27, 31–75.
183. A. Jaščenka. Tarptautinės teisės kursas, 167; Lietuvos Taikos sutartis su Rusija. – Vyriausybės žinios, 30th November 1920, 1–11.
184. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 54–55.
185. S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 52; V. Terleckas. Pinigai Lietuvoje 1915–1944. Lietuvos rašytojų sąjungos leidykla, Vilnius, 1992, 40.
186. A. S. Bačkis. Lietuvos diplomatinė tarnyba (1940 06 15–1990 03 11). – Istorija, 1997, 36, 40.
187. S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 54–58.
188. The provisions of the peace treaty of 12th July 1920 did not lose their validity. They were re-approved in 1926, 1931, 1934, and 1939; and they were important in keeping the question of Vilnius open. See: Č. Laurinavičius. Lietuvos–Sovietų Rusijos Taikos sutartis, 169.
189. S. Grigaravičiūtė. Skandinavija Lietuvos diplomatijoje, 54–58; S. Grigaravičiūtė. History of Lithuanian Diplomacy, 28–30.
190. A. E. Senn. Swiss Recognition of Lithuania, 5–12.
191. Telegram from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 25th December 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 123; Reply registered by the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs to the Chief of the Swedish Mission in Kristiania, 26th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 127–128; Telephoned telegram by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Norwegian Department of Foreign Affairs, 24th September 1921. RA UD, 1918–1924, Hefte Litauen, 125; V. Mažeika. Danijos santykiai su Lietuva, 75.
192. G. Rutenbergas. Lietuvos, kaipo nepriklausomos valstybės, 12, 58–59.
193. Lietuvą pripažinus de jure. – Lietuva, 29th December 1922, 1.